Television As Captain Wale in the 2020 Nat Geo series, Barkskins. With Aneurin Barnard and Zahn McClarnon As Seth in the 2018 Starz series, Insomnia. With Lidiya Kuznetsova. As Ti-Jean in the 2001 Global series, Blackfly. With Cheri Maracle As Dortmunder in the 2012 IFC series, Bullet in the Face. With Max E. Williams, Neil Napier and Helena Marie As Thaddeus Sholto in the 2001 TV movie, The Sign of Four With Matt Frewer as Sherlock Holmes As Patrick Arthur Lewis in CBC's 2004 series, Snakes and Ladders. With Amy Price-Francis As Givenchy in ABC's The Audrey Hepburn Story. With Jennifer Love Hewitt and Frances Fisher